Blog and publications
Leiderschap in Woelige Tijden
Leiderschap in Woelige Tijden – serie blogs van Hans Begeer 2020
Read moreEGO AND POWER: MATCHING I WITH WE MARCH 30, 2020 HANS BEGEER By Hans Begeer for Enlivening Edge MagazineEgo is often seen as the enemy, certainly for those in power. In our new book Ego@work (Lannoo Campus 2020) we explore how I – the individual or ego can better align with We –…
Read moreCocreatie
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Why should you read this book? You probably don’t think about your ego very often. Do you have any idea how your ego comes across to other people? Did you know that 95% of your behavior is driven by your unconscious mind? Can you apply your conscious mind to…
Read moreHow MD can help selforganization or a more agile organization. Dutch article in MD magazine – spring 2019
Read moreEGO-Managment
Do you understand your ego? Do you realise when it hinders you and when it helps you? Psychological theory defines the ego as that part of our personalities that we experience as “myself” or “me”. Our egos make contact with the world around us through our percentions. The ego remembers,…
Read moreDoe-het-zelf leiders passen co-creatie toe
Een interview met Kevin Van der Straeten van Eventplanner Doe-het-zelf leiders passen ook cocreatie toe
Read moreMT recensie over het boek Doe-het-zelf leiders
Klik op de foto voor de link naar de recensie van Bjorn Cocquyt
Read moreInterview met Kevin van Eventplanner
Read moreRecensie van Bert Peene – Managementboek
Alles is agile tegenwoordig, zelfsturing lijkt passé. Hans Begeer pleit in zijn boek Doe-het-zelf leiders – De hierarchie voorbij voor een terugkeer. Mits dat kiezen voor zelforganisatie onder meer betekent dat aan een aantal basisvoorwaarden is voldaan, te beginnen met de juiste mindset van het managementteam. Wendbaarheid geldt al geruime…
Read moreHR-Square – Over Doe-het-zelf leiders
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Do-it-yourself leaders
Do-it-yourself leaders We talk a lot about self-management and self-organization. But how can we start applying it? What are traps, what the invisible strengths? And what implies self-organization for you as a leader. This book (only in Dutch) and the workshops teach you on each of the 3 important levels…
Read moreSelf –Management ‘look before you leap’
Laying the groundwork for the successful implementation of self-management. My recent blogs have focused on self-organization and self-managing teams. By self-organization I mean a management practice that stimulates individuals to take responsibility for their objectives and for the tasks required to meet them provides the necessary space and rules at…
Read moreIt takes more than Tweeting to Change Your Organization!
Don’t struggle alone. Instead, learn to collaborate with other stakeholders to facilitate change. I want to share concrete examples of the application of co-creation drawn from my consultancy practice, such as the change process going on right now in a public organization. The organization wants to become more effective, in…
Read moreHow to sustain a Self-Organizing business culture
Are you sick of hierarchies, bureaucracies and inflexible leadership? Are you searching for a responsive, efficient and flexible way to get things done? Could Self-Organization be what you are looking for? In previous blogs I shared my ideas about the power of Self-Organization skills. I gave examples of my experience…
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Who do we choose to be
Preparing Yourself for Times of Profound Disruption Could you become or could you mentor people to become leaders to guide us through turbulent times? I reviewed the recent work of many authors writing in the field of self-organization and leadership while doing background research for my latest book: Do-it-Yourself Leaders:…
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Blogs about Self – Leadership and Co-creation by Hans Begeer
I would like to share insights from Frédéric Laloux’s book ‘Reinventing Organizations’. This is the first study I read that goes beyond co-creation. After Marvin Weisbord’s ‘Productive Workplaces’, another must read, I was sure that the actual way of organizing is insufficient, one-sided, short term oriented and making people sick.…
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